Saturday, July 27, 2024


There are several people in the Bible who heard the gospel, yet refused to acknowledge what was preached to them about Jesus. We never read in scripture as to whether these people EVER DID acknowledge what Peter stated of Jesus in Acts 2:36. So we are left to wonder: did they ever accept Jesus as the Christ?  Let us examine some of these and learn some valuable lessons for ourselves.

 – In Acts 24:24-27, after Paul reasoned of “righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix became frightened and said, “Go away for the present, and when I find time I will summon you.  At the same time too, he was hoping that money would be given him by Paul; therefore he also used to send for him quite often and converse with himWhile Felix heard Paul repeatedly, the subsequent meetings were NOT as the initial meeting, for Felix’s reason for continuing to meet with Paul was in hope of receiving money from Paul.  A question left unanswered: Did Felix ever obey the gospel? While it may be likely that Felix never did accept Christ, THE SCRIPTURES ARE SILENT ABOUT IT. However, the scriptures condemn the sin of presumption (Psalm 19:13; cf. Exodus 21:14; Deuteronomy 1:43; 17:12-13; 18:20, 22).

#2—Those of Athens – In Acts 17:32-34, we read, “Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some began to sneer, but others said, “We shall hear you again concerning this.” So Paul went out of their midst. But some men joined him and believed, among whom also were Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them.” Three responses: some began to sneer…others said, “we shall hear you again...some…believed”.

A question left unanswered: What of those who sneered or did as Felix, “sought to find a more convenient time”...DID THEY ever obey the gospel? Scripture is silent! It is presumption to affirm either way with certainty. 

#3—King Agrippa – In Acts 26:28, we read, “Agrippa replied to Paul, In a short time you will persuade me to become a Christian.”

NOTE: In all 3 of these examples the issue is the same: BECOMING A CHRISTIAN! (Acknowledging Jesus as Lord and Christ is to become a follower of Christ ~ Christ-like)

#1 ~ Paul spoke to Felix “about faith in Christ Jesus”; about “righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come”These matters pertained to Felix becoming a “CHRISTIAN”.

#2 ~ Those in Athens heard about “the resurrection of the dead”. In Acts 17:18 they heard of “Jesus and the resurrection”.  Specifically in Acts 17:30-31 they heard of their need to repent and of the Judgment Day. All of these subjects are crucial to one’s decision in becoming a CHRISTIAN”. So, Agrippa replies to Paul, “In a short time you will persuade me to become a Christian.” A question is left unanswered: Did Agrippa ever become a Christian? The scriptures are silent on the matter.  I can presume, reasoning it is likely; perhaps...but the scriptures condemn presumption.

While these 3 examples may have resulted in wasted opportunities, we must never presume the conclusion. But let us notice an example of one who did NOT defer his opportunity.

The thief on the cross: In Luke 23:39-43). One of the two thieves said to Jesus, “remember me when You come in Your kingdom!” Jesus answered, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.” The bible is clear as to where this thief will be in eternity; no dispute (to my knowledge) about the matter.  However, a similarity exists between THIS case, and the others.  There is a “PRESUMPTION” made in preaching from this example!  The presumption is that this thief was NOT baptized!  Preachers have been telling their audiences an answer that God did not reveal in the Bible about this thief. In their presumptions, they have caused people to do as Felix, the Athenians, and Agrippa did - - - delay their decision to become a Christian until a “convenient season”. The ‘PRESUMPTOUS’ statement they heard from their preacher, “The thief on the cross wasn’t baptized”.  How do they know? Revelation or presumption?

One might just as well make the case with Felix, those in Athens, and Agrippa, that, at some later date, all became a Christian.  It could preach that none of them ever did.  But what would it be based upon DIVINE REVELATION or PRESUMPTION? Compare:

·         Baptism is not essential because the thief wasn’t baptized.

·         Baptism is not essential because Agrippa wasn’t baptized.

·         Baptism is not essential because some in Athens weren’t baptized.


FINAL OBSERVATIONS: Agrippa said he was 'almost persuaded' to become a Christian. Did Agrippa believe? (see v. 27) Is one saved at the point of faith? If so, was Agrippa a ‘saved’ person? (Remember his question…) Now, for those who preach by making assumptions, here is their dilemma: Agrippa is a saved believer, who was almost persuaded to become a Christian, yet wasn’t ever baptized to show it. One would have just as strong a case by presuming that the thief WAS baptized.  However, his proof is the same as their proof: PRESUMPTION! Do you see what presumptuous preaching accomplishes? Some individuals in Athens believed. DIVINE REVELATION so declares. Were those who believed, saved? If so, they were saved believers, yet never baptized to show it That is the dilemma of presumptuous preaching.

Thursday, July 25, 2024



Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation, being designated by God as a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. Concerning him we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.” (HEBREWS 5:8-14)

Notice from v. 12, that in stating that they HAD BECOME dull of hearing, it is necessarily implied that they were not always that wayHOW had they become "dull" in their hearing? The answer lies in what was stated in v. 14, about their “powers of discernment”. To be able to “discern”, it takes “practice”...constant practice. In all that is involved in this, the simple idea, is that of constant bible study.

When your “powers of discernment” aren't “trained”, the result is inevitable that you will BECOME “dull of hearing”; and as the writer said, when you become dull of hearing, distinguishing right from wrong is difficult.

The area most affected by “dullness” concerns the role of man’s obedience in his salvation. This significance is seen in mentioning the example of Jesus and His obedience. Re-read vss. 8-9. Obedience was “learned” through suffering, and is related to, and necessary to “perfection”

Having been “trained”, they could now understand the significance of Christ’s obedience and of how His ‘perfection’ came through His sufferings. More importantly, they could understand how obedience is connected to the sinner’s salvation from sin.

However, when one's “powers of discernment” aren’t “trained”, the connection of obedience to salvation is hard to explain. What about YOU; do you have difficulty seeing the connection of obedience to salvation?

Give prayerful thought and study to what is said in verse 9 of Jesus, “...having been made perfect, He became to all those who OBEY Him the source of eternal salvation...”. More importantly, give prayerful thought and study as to whether you have obeyed what He has commanded of you.



“Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty. For He maketh sore, and bindeth up; He woundeth, and his hands make whole. He will deliver thee in six troubles; yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. In famine he will redeem thee from death; and in war from the power of the sword. Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue; neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh. At destruction and dearth thou shalt laugh; neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth. For thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field; and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee. AND THOU SHALT KNOW THAT THY TENT IS IN PEACE; and thou shalt visit thy fold, and shalt miss nothing. Thou shalt know also that thy seed shall be great, and thine offspring as the grass of the earth. Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of grain cometh in in its season. Lo this, we have searched it, so it is; hear it, and know thou it for thy good. (Job 5:17-27).

The words of Eliphaz, while intended to convince Job of his need to confess his own sins, were true in terms of what he said concerning Jehovah. Has God ever delivered you from trouble? Can you identify with the many situations mentioned by the Temanite? If not, then you have the answer to why happiness is not present in your life. However, if you can relate, you understand why God’s correction is a blessing (Psalm 94:12); and why it imparts wisdom (Psalm 119:71). This wisdom removes all doubt as to whether God delights in you (Proverbs 3:11-12).



The man is surely the most popular thief of all time. He has been the subject of countless sermons. He is the man upon whom millions have staked their salvation.

You may ask, "Why would anyone stake their salvation on a thief?" It is really kind of strange, but it is what many have done. The thief is the man in Luke 23:39-43. He died alongside of Jesus.

He said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus replied, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

There is no doubt about this man’s eternal destiny. Jesus declared that the man would be with Him in Paradise. Saved! Case closed!

But why is this man popular? It is because of what he did NOT DO. It is rather obvious that he did not come down from his cross to be baptized. And that’s what folks are staking their salvation on! Jesus commanded baptism when He gave the great commission in Mark 16:16: “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved.”

But it is objected that “The thief was not baptized to be saved; therefore, I don’t need to be baptized to be saved. I want to be saved like the thief was saved.”

Do you think that is the proper use of the story of the thief? If you do, I want you to think about another man—a rich young ruler. He is found in Matthew 19:16-22.

This ruler asked, “What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” After discussing God’s commands with him, Jesus told him, “Go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.”

Have you ever heard anyone say, “I want to be saved according to what Jesus told this man”? Why does no one argue that way? I think you know why.

However, to argue that you want to be saved according to what Jesus told the ruler makes every bit as much sense as arguing that you want to be saved like the thief.


There is something that is neglected in both cases mentioned above. It is the principle found in Mark 2:1-12. In this case of a paralyzed man who was healed by Jesus, you quickly learn that Jesus forgave the man's sins. 

The key to understanding cases like this is found in verse 10 where Jesus said "the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins." That's it. Jesus could forgive sin; while on earth He could forgive sin in any way He chose. He had the power!

But Jesus is not on earth today. He is in heaven. He still has power to forgive, but He forgives by means of the terms He gave in the great commission. You remember, don't you? ...that thing about "He who believes and is baptized..."?

Now, what about you? Don't make the mistake of staking your salvation on the thief, or the rich young ruler. Trust Jesus. Believe His word. Obey Him. He promises salvation to all who will follow Him ... all the way to the water!