Sunday, May 19, 2013


The difference between preaching the Bible apart from theology is seen in the different conclusions that people draw after hearing both preached.  In the Bible, an inspired apostle wrote that a child of God could sin, AFTER being saved by committing sin ~ "For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire.” - 2 Peter 2:20-22  

Accordingly, those who are subjected to hearing this preached, come away with the understanding that salvation is conditional - this 'conditional' aspect is seen from the teaching of Jesus in John 8:31 when He said "IF YOU CONTINUE IN MY WORD...".  

But remember the old devil's work on EVE? In his reply to Eve, he gave some carefully worded 'theology' as to what God knew.  This was a clever diversion tactic. Notice how well it worked. God had NOT said "Oh, thou shalt not SURELY die"; HE SAID THE VERY OPPOSITE! But Satan added two convincing words: "God knows!"
He told Eve, "God knows...when you eat, you will become like God, knowing good from evil...".  Now how would Eve have concluded that from just the words that God had spoken?  Perversion of scripture is Satan's forte, and so it is with his messengers.  The results are always the same.

Theology (writings by uninspired men) perverts scripture.  One example, which is commonly found in creed language, regarding the possibility of a child of God 'falling away' is a statement that says, "SUCH ONLY ARE REAL BELIEVERS AS ENDURE UNTO THE END". 

Accordingly, those who are continually subjected to hearing this 'theology', come away with the understanding that their salvation is UN-conditional.  You know what passage the creed book cites? John 8:31!
You see it's all in the "interpretation", but without being "programmed" ahead of time by the tactic of Satan, you conclude correctly from the inspired apostle's words.

But when you ARE told "Oh, no, you will not SURELY be lost; for God knows.......", you no longer trust in God's word; you trust in your own thinking (this is what the prophet Jeremiah warned of: Jer. 10:23 – “O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps”). You see, you now conclude that you cannot so sin as to be eternally lost.

This false mindset of “once saved/always saved” then produces more false reasoning as it applies to Jesus’ teaching on ‘judging’.  It is seen in the comment by someone who views themselves as “once saved/always saved”, that, ‘NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL ME I AM WRONG’.  They ‘quote’ Matthew 7:1 as their ‘proof’; stopping there without regard to the entire context of Jesus’ words

The TRUTH (from the entire context surrounding this passage), is that Jesus is explaining HOW to judge ‘with righteous judgment’ and ‘not according to appearance’.  Jesus taught here to apply God’s word to yourself FIRST. 

A simple analogy to show that this attitude of ‘NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL ME I AM WRONG’ is wrong, can be seen from the dilemma it would create in trying to convert an alien sinner.  What if the sinner, when told of his need to “accept Christ as your personal savior” replied with ‘NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL ME I AM WRONG’...and then ‘quotes’ Matthew 7:1, saying ‘the Bible says to judge not that ye be not judged...’!

Let’s take this ‘logic’ a step further…If the alien sinner can use Matthew 7:1 out of context, in regard to “accepting Christ”, then that same alien sinner use that same ‘proof’ text in reply to a preacher who pleaded with him/her to pray “the sinner’s prayer”.  If not, why not?

Isn't it a good thing that the alien sinner doesn't know theology......?

copyright 2013 

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