Tuesday, March 28, 2017



Jeremiah records a most sobering question which God ask of the Israelites: “Why should I pardon you?
What answer would we give?

CONTEXT: We need to remember that the Israelites were not as Canaanites, or Babylonians. They were in a covenant relationship with God based upon the events at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 20: Deut. 5). They had sworn to 'keep' (obey) this Law. However, as Jeremiah 5 details, they had BROKEN their promise to 'keep' (obey) this Law. So, God puts forth the question, "WHY SHOULD I PARDON YOU?"

[On a side issue, another sobering matter for consideration is this: if, as is commonly preached today, that "once saved; always saved", or, "a child of God cannot so sin, as to be eternally lost" is a true situation, then God's question is a moot issue, for the Israelites COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE IN NEED OF PARDONING!]

Care needs to be taken so as NOT to apply these words to an alien sinner (i.e., one who has NEVER been in a covenant relationship with God thru Christ. These words apply to one who has chosen to become a disciple, by virtue of being "born anew" (John 3:3-5).
Can a child of God, so sin as to be in need of pardon? The answer is clear from Jeremiah. What about Judas (Acts 1:25), Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8:22), the apostle Peter (Gal. 2:11), Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5)?
For one who, after being "born again", breaks his word, he is in need of pardon. God's question applies to him, "WHY SHOULD I PARDON YOU"?

What shall your answer be?

copyright 2017

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