Friday, August 18, 2017


“In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves
if God peradventure will give them repentance 
to the acknowledging of the truth”~ 2 Tim. 2:25

Many religious and well-intended people who oppose baptism for remission of sins, HAVE been baptized…yet for another reason. It seems strange that they oppose teaching on the purpose of baptism for the reason of ‘remission’, yet, submit to it for another reason. 

Obviously, they have been taught differently as to baptism’s PURPOSE than we in the church of Christ. It seems strange that one would submit to an act that one denies as necessary…all because of its purpose.

Baptism’s PURPOSE: what is it for? Two differing teachings on baptism’s PURPOSE are: to ‘show’ remission, or to ‘receive’ remission?

Further, is baptism a ‘church ordinance’, performed by and on saved people, [as stated in a denominational creed]; or is it a command for an unsaved person to obey as a part of the new birth of John 3?

Again, it is not an act that is entirely opposed, for all those who differ, HAVE SUBMITTED to being baptized. So why oppose the act based upon the lone purpose of it being done “to receive” remission?

Consider some relevant questions and parallel examples to the rational on baptism’s purpose from the Bible:
~ Romans 10:13 – “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Does “calling” show salvation, or does “calling” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Is “calling” an outward sign of an inward grace, or does “calling” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Does it matter as to the PURPOSE for ‘calling’?

~ Mark 16:16 – “He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved.”
Does “belief” show salvation, or does “belief” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Is “belief” an outward sign of an inward grace, or does “belief” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Does it matter as to the PURPOSE for ‘belief’?

Now, regarding BAPTISM:
Does “baptism” show salvation, or does “baptism” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Is “baptism” an outward sign of an inward grace, or does “baptism” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?

Does it matter as to the PURPOSE for ‘baptism’?
Is it not clear that belief AND baptism are HOW one “calls” upon the name of the Lord?
Consider whether or not the logic used toward baptism’s purpose [as being to “show”] would make sense, if the same logic were applied to other matters, whose purposes are regarded as NECESSARY? For example:

“Faith is not necessary for remission of sins, but to show your salvation…”
“Repentance is not necessary for remission of sins, but to show your salvation…”
What about confessing that you are a sinner, quoting Romans 10:
“Confession is not necessary for remission of sins, but to show your salvation…”

What if one were to say that they don’t believe faith is necessary, but they believed to “show”…?
What if one were to say that they don’t believe repentance is necessary, but they have repented to “show”…?

Strange that one would oppose as necessary an act [baptism] that he, himself has submitted to, on the basis of ‘not’ necessary. 

Is not this an example of “those who oppose themselves” in “acknowledging the truth”?

This is why Jesus warned:
"Take heed WHAT ye hear" ~ Mark 4:24
"Take heed HOW ye hear" ~ Luke 8:18

copyright 2017

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