The relationship between these three terms is seen in that it takes the first two in order to have the third.
The need for prayer in the life of a Christian is so vital. The lack of prayer in ones life is evident from the corresponding behavior. James chapters 3 & 4, contrasts the behavior of brethren who have and who have not grown in regard to prayer (vv 1-12). First, let’s notice those who have not grown from chapter 4. Their life is characterized by:
The presence of wars and fightings…v. 1
Lust, killing, covetousness, fight and war, failure to ask… v. 2
Asking spend it in pleasure…v. 3
Friendship w/the world…resulting in pride…v. 4-6
Failure to resist the devil…v. 7
Failure to draw nigh to GOD…v. 8
Speaking and judging one against another…v. 11
Judging, instead of obeying the law…v. 11
James gives the remedy for such:
- Be subject unto GOD…v. 7
- cleanse your hands…v. 8
- purify your hearts…v. 8
- be afflicted…mourn…weep…v. 9
- let laughter/joy be turned to mourning/heaviness…v. 9
- Humble self in the sight of the Lord…v. 10
- Speak not one against another…v. 11
In this we see that belief and obedience, is necessary upon the part of the child of GOD (cf. Romans 1:5; 16:26).
In turn, GOD promises:
- the devil will flee from you
- to give grace to the humble
- to draw nigh to you
- to exalt you
In chapter 3, James states that a wise and understanding person will show by a good life his works in meekness of wisdom (v. 13). He states that wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without variance, without hypocrisy (v. 17).
This should be the goal for all of us as members of the body of Christ. Then and only then can it be properly said that we are ‘Christians’ (Christ-like).
We need to realize the power of prayer in the life of a child of GOD. It can accomplish what cannot be accomplished by any other means. The spiritual needs of man cannot be addressed in any other way. The prayers of those who are in a proper relationship with the heavenly Father are the only communication that He recognizes [John 9:31; Acts 10:4].
No medical treatment known to man can attend to the spiritual problem of man. Only GOD has the remedy. He has provided that in his Son, and this message of salvation is what gospel preaching is all about. The gospel has been placed in earthen vessels so that the exceeding greatness of the power may be of GOD and not from man so that we might trust in GOD, and not in man. (2 Cor. 4:7)
Those who truly care for you are those who have entered into a relationship with GOD and are praying for you that you might know the joy of having a Father who will hear your pleas and concerns, and problems. Try as you may, you are of no help to any one when you are not in a position to help.
I don’t know CPR and many other life-saving techniques and would consequently be of little or no help in a needed situation. But the point is, neither of these will help you spiritually. If someone close to me died because of my failure to know this, I would feel the blame for that death. The after-thoughts would haunt me, no doubt. No matter how much I learned, thereafter, it would not change the situation of the person who died. I could be of help to others, yet that loss is forever a loss.
I’m asking you to look at your life today in this sense. Is there someone you want to help spiritually? Are you helpless in their regard? When they are facing death or loss of health, what can you do?
Certainly not…do you see the point? They need you, yet you cannot help. Why? Because you are not in a position to render help.
In Acts 10:2, we find that Cornelius “…feared GOD with all his house, who have much alms to the people, and prayed to GOD always…”. As mentioned earlier, he was told in vs. 4 that those prayers and alms “…are gone up for a memorial before GOD…”. What do we make of this? What is this memorial?
It has reference to something about GOD. Peter was also at this time shown something in relation to this — v. 15, “…What GOD hath cleansed, make not thou common…”. When did this cleansing take place?
Upon arriving at the home of Cornelius, [Acts 10:31], Peter, told Cornelius that “…thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of GOD…”. What remembrance of GOD is meant?
The answers to these questions will tell us concerning the proper place of prayer in the life of an individual.
Jesus taught in the Beatitudes… Matt. 5:2, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…” Does Cornelius fit this description—poor of spirit? Who is excluded from being blessed? [any who are not poor in spirit] Must one be of a certain nationality first and then be ‘poor in spirit’ in order to be blessed by gaining the kingdom of heaven?
In Deut. 10:17 and 2 Chron. 19:7 it is recorded of GOD that He does not ‘show partiality’.
Consider also what is said of GOD elsewhere:
Rom. 2:11 – “…for there is no respect of persons with GOD.”
Gal. 2:6 – “…GOD accepteth not man’s person…”
Eph. 6:9 – “…and there is no respect of persons with Him.”
Col. 3:25 – “…and there is no respect of persons.”
1 Peter 1:17 – “…who w/o respect of persons judgeth according to each man’s work…”.
Hence we find recorded in this case, Acts 10:34-35, “…Of a truth I perceive that GOD is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is acceptable to Him”.
Remember James’ admonition from chapter 4:
- Be subject unto GOD…v. 7
- resist the devil…v. 7
- draw nigh to GOD…v. 8
- cleanse your hands…v. 8
- purify your hearts…v. 8
- be afflicted…mourn…weep…v. 9
- let laughter/joy be turned to mourning/heaviness…v. 9
- Humble self in the sight of the Lord…v. 10
- Speak not one against another…v. 11
In order to be ‘acceptable’ to GOD, one must ‘fear’ GOD and ‘work righteousness’
Prayer + patience = perseverance
Fear + work righteousness = acceptance
It takes the first two to achieve the third.
What did Cornelius do?
He feared GOD (Acts 10:22)
He was a ‘righteous’ man, but had not ‘worked righteousness’. There is a difference…
copyright 2019
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