Monday, May 27, 2019


The subjects of God’s eternal purpose and God’s authority are inseparable.  Because God possesses all authority, He has the right to purpose man’s destiny.  The scriptures are clear that God purposed eternal life to man conditioned upon man’s obedience to His Son.  Therein we see why God’s Son was given all authority.  Jesus has the right, as God to command man; and man MUST recognize Jesus’ right to command.  Man disobeyed God’s commands and God offered forgiveness for that disobedience on the condition that man obey commands.  Herein we see the role of commands as proof of the genuineness of faith. Saving faith, obeys. 
God’s love for man is seen through the giving of commands, without forceful obedience.  Man was created capable of understanding God’s right to command and that God’s reason for commanding man how to live, was so that man might NOT sin.  Man’s capability to live in obedience is why God gave authority to man.  When man obeys God’s command, his authority is executed in such a way that justice and mercy abounds. 

God’s love is first and foremost toward man, whom He created in His image. Psalm 8 bears out God’s love for man in the position of authority that God gave to man.  But the rule that man was meant to have, was made possible by, and purposed through Christ.  It is not referring only to physical rule over animals, but to a rule connected with submission and obedience, and therefore connected with the commands He gave man because of His authority.  It is the way in which man can rule over sin and control his lusts.  He (Christ) overcame the efforts of Satan by obedience to the will of God.  Heb. 5:8-9 states, “…He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.  And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation…”.
From this we also see the WAY in which God purposed victory and rule to all of us - - - thru suffering for righteousness’ sake.  In this way, authority and dominion are ours.  The ultimate reward for obedience is eternal life, which, again was purposed through Christ.  Evil is overcome and suppressed by those who live in obedience to God.  He is the source of wisdom, and this wisdom resides in His commands that He gave ONLY to man, relative to eternal life, for eternal life was purposed ONLY for man.  All else that was created, will cease to exist.  But the man who submits to God’s wisdom will inherit eternal life (Proverbs 8:22-36).
Authority is from God and established for man’s benefit.  When God’s authority is respected and followed, peace and harmony result.  When His authority is rejected and despised, discord and division result. 
In all realms of man’s relationships, God has delegated authority.  Man has authority over woman.  He is to rule over her in the manner that God rules over him, in justice and with mercy.  Submission and respect is the proper response to that designated rule.

There is authority in gov’t, with rulers who are to rule in justice and with mercy.  Submission and respect is the proper response to that designated rule.
In the home, the husband is to rule over his wife in in justice and with mercy.  Submission and respect is the proper response to that designated rule.
In the church, there is designated rule by elders who are to rule in justice and with mercy.  Submission and respect is the proper response to that designated rule.

We need to appreciate the reality of God’s authority, for it has resulted in our salvation.  We need to respect God’s authority by drawing near to God in humble submission to His will.  We need to personally examine our current attitude and understanding of God’s authority; especially as it relates to our obedience.  We need to give attention to the commandments of God, and understand their benefit as it relates to our salvation.
Deut. 6:24-25 – the Lord commanded us to observe all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God for our good always and for our survival, as it is today.  It will be righteousness for us if we are careful to observe all this commandment before the Lord our God, just as He commanded us.  Israel failed in this matter and suffered God’s wrath. 
Romans 10:3 – For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.
Let us learn from their error the eternal benefits of obedience to God’s commands as given by Christ through the apostles.  Have you obeyed the Lord in being born anew (John 3:3, 5)?  Have you been obedient as a disciple?  What of your spiritual growth…have you made your calling and election SURE?  (2 Peter 1:10)

copyright 2019

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