Saturday, March 28, 2020


"Brethren, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation. For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God." ~ Romans 10:1-3
The apostle Paul's desire and prayer for his fellow Jews, was their salvation...which meant that, even though these Jews were PHYSICAL descendants of Abraham, they were yet LOST. [i.e., "...that they might be saved."]
...even though these Jews had ZEAL for God, they were yet LOST.
ZEAL is of great value.............IF it is founded upon KNOWLEDGE............i.e., IF it is "in accordance" with knowledge. But IF NOT, zeal is of great DANGER.
This 'KNOWLEDGE' is a particular KNOWLEDGE.............a knowledge about God's righteousness, and THAT righteousness is found only in the gospel (Rom. 1:17).
- These Jews were IGNORANT of the gospel. Can people be IGNORANT of the gospel today?
- These Jews acted upon their zeal, yet in ignorance. Can people do so today?
- Will zeal, apart from knowledge of God's righteousness result in salvation?
These Jews viewed themselves as SAVED. The apostle Paul knew they weren't saved, and WHY they weren't saved.
Many today CLAIM to KNOW they are saved, because of the same reason that these Jews did - - - ZEAL. But again, ZEAL is only of great value IF it is "in accordance" with knowledge. But IF NOT, zeal is DANGEROUS.
If ZEAL is "in accordance" with knowledge, two things will be true:
1) the message you hear will be the same as the message that the Lord's apostles preached (Rom. 6:17)
2) the response will be the same as those who responded to the message of the apostles.
The book of Acts contains numerous examples of salvation experiences. The message and response were always the same, and provide us with the knowledge to guide our zeal, so that we can be certain of our salvation.
Compare your "salvation experience" with those in the book of Acts. Look for two things:
1) what was preached?
2) what was done by those preached to?
Were YOU preached the same "form of doctrine"? (Rom. 6:17)
As you read of these salvation experiences, consider who, from the book of Acts were told the things YOU were told to do to be saved?
- - Does it matter what a sinner is told, when under conviction of his/her sin? (Rom. 6:17).
- - Can the preacher misinform? (2 Cor. 11:4; Gal. 1:6).
Take heed WHAT ye hear ~ Mark 4:24
Take heed HOW ye hear ~ Luke 8:18

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