I have found...
Mark 16:16 to
be "quoted" in the following way: "If you believe and open up to
the Holy Spirit, you will get salvation".
Acts 2:38 "quoted"
as follows: "Repent and trust in the Lord and thou shalt be saved".
The phrase in Mark 16:16 "open
up to the Holy Spirit" is obviously meant to be equal to "and is
The phrase in Acts 2:38 "trust
in the Lord" is likewise meant to be equal to "and be baptized".
Are these accurate? If so, what do they
say as to baptism's PURPOSE? Am I to understand that I am saved BEFORE I
"open up to the Holy Spirit", or AFTERWARDS? Am I saved at the point
of my belief? Am I to understand that I am saved BEFORE I "trust in
the Lord", or AFTERWARDS? Am I saved at the point of my belief?
If I am saved when I believe, what PURPOSE does
"open up to the Holy Spirit" serve? Does it SHOW my salvation?
Similarly, does my "trust in the Lord" SHOW my salvation?
I have found...
statement regarding baptism's purpose: "It is not necessary to salvation,
but necessary to obedience". Am I to understand that baptism is a command?
If so, are Mark 16:16 and Acts 2:38 commands
or not? Are belief and repentance commands? Furthermore, is obedience necessary
to salvation?
if it was preached that faith is not necessary to salvation, but necessary to
obedience? What if it was preached that repentance is not necessary to
salvation, but necessary to obedience? What PURPOSE does obedience serve if not
necessary to salvation? Again, consider this: is obedience necessary to
have heard it said regarding baptism: "I don't believe in it, but I
practice it". Let us consider the PURPOSE for being baptized.
I have found...
to be practiced yet adamantly refuted when its PURPOSE is taught as necessary,
yet readily accepted if it has another purpose. Many who oppose baptism for
remission of sins, HAVE been baptized…yet for another reason. It seems strange
to me that they oppose teaching on the purpose of baptism for the reason of
‘remission’, yet, have submitted to it for another reason. It seems strange to
me that one would submit to an act that one denies as necessary…all because of
its purpose.
Baptism’s PURPOSE, what
is it for? To ‘show’ remission, or to ‘receive’ remission? Further, is baptism
a ‘church ordinance’, performed by and on saved people, or is it a command for
an unsaved person to obey as a part of the new birth of John 3?
Again, it is not an act
that is entirely opposed, for all those who differ, HAVE SUBMITTED to baptism.
So why oppose the act based upon the lone purpose of it being done “to receive”
Consider parallel
language in two passages:
#1 - Romans 10:13 – “For
whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Does “calling” show
salvation, or does “calling” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Is “calling” an outward
sign of an inward grace, or does “calling” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Does it matter as to the
PURPOSE for ‘calling’?
#2 - Mark 16:16 – “He
that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved.”
Does “belief” show
salvation, or does “belief” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Is “belief” an outward
sign of an inward grace, or does “belief” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Does it matter as to the
PURPOSE for ‘belief’?
Now, regarding BAPTISM...
Does “baptism” show
salvation, or does “baptism” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Is “baptism” an outward
sign of an inward grace, or does “baptism” mean, ‘in order to be saved’?
Does it matter as to the
PURPOSE for ‘baptism’?
Is it not clear that
belief AND baptism are HOW one “calls” upon the name of the Lord?
Consider the logic used
in opposition to the PURPOSE of baptism ["in order to receive"
remission]; if it were applied to other matters...would it be as rational?
For example:
“Faith is not necessary
for remission of sins, but to show your salvation…” ~ would you have a problem
with this logic?
“Repentance is not
necessary for remission of sins, but to show your salvation…” ~ would you have
a problem with this logic?
“Confession is not
necessary for remission of sins, but to show your salvation…” ~ would you have
a problem with this logic? ~ would you have a problem with this logic?
Again, do you oppose
baptism, or is it just the teaching regarding the PURPOSE of baptism as being
necessary to be saved?
Remember this as you sort
out WHY you have been baptized, but reject the teaching of those who
embrace baptism's PURPOSE as being "in order to receive remission".
The Bible doesn't teach various
and conflicting PURPOSES for baptism.
Remember, you were
baptized for SOME reason, so you can't be opposed to being baptized.
Simple enough.